@Tag and #Tag auto-fill context
When typing a previously used tag, when the suggested auto-complete options show up, it would be nice if they showed up in more of a context sensitive manner. When working in my "work" list, it would be cleaner if the tags used in my "personal" list wouldn't show up in the suggestions until they've been used in that particular branch and vice versa.
- Item @Bob @Joe @Jerry
- Item 2 #NCMR #RFQ #FailureAnalysis
- List @John @Joy @Brenda
- List 2 #Recreation #Food
- List @John @Joy @Brenda
Currently all the 'J' name tags show up in both cases but it would be nice if only @Joe and @Jerry showed in the auto-complete when I'm working under the "work" list. Same goes for @John and @Joy for the "personal" list.
Sure there are cases where the same tag can be used in both but once that's been done, of course it should show up in both cases.
Not a major grievance, just a minor suggestion to intuitively declutter. :-)
Hi Jim,
> if the tags used in my "personal" list wouldn't show up in the suggestions until they've been used in that particular branch and vice versa.
The idea has been to have tags show in any context, so it can be found via the tag helper even if it doesn't yet occur in a specific outline, because otherwise this detracts from its utility. Because WorkFlowy is infinitely zoomable/ one zoomable document, WorkFlowy doesn't know whether where you are zoomed into is a discrete category or a subsection or an item within a project... and so we make tags available everywhere... HOWEVER... we do prioritize tags that already occur in any outline and the frequency with which they are used.
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