Side-by-side view
On desktop or large-screen, I would find it very useful to be able to display two independant but synced views of Workflowy side-by-side.
This could be used for example to look at a project outline in one view while populating action items in another, without back and forth movement/scrolling.
Thanks a lot!
Hi folks,
We in fact have WorkFlowy "panes" high on our wish list. We know it will be incredibly helpful. We are developing at a rate and will get there. It's hard to know whether to rescue the cute kitten dangling from a tree or one's cell phone sitting on the garden table with a storm that's about to break...
Yep, this is Obsidian's major selling point in my mind, but Obsidian is obviously for quite different uses than Workflowy is designed for. The duo behind Obsidian also created Dynalist, Workflowy's major competitor, but Dynalist doesn't offer multi-pane visibility either. Here's how Obsidian describes it, and there are countless use cases for this -- it's like mirroring, and will make Workflowy stand out if offered, and people who try to hack it with multiple open windows in WF (or other programs) will feel new love for WF.
That said, Workflowy first needs to add the "move to" feature Aleksander mentions above. Don't worry about multi-pane support yet -- get foundational functionality more robust. Thanks!
Completely agree that a side-by-side view should be a priority on the WorkFlowy roadmap!
Have you tried the many possibilities the Roam Research right-side-bar brings?
It opens such many possibilities, easiness, and uses cases applications…
I wish WorkFlowy offers feature option very soon, too!
I've found that there are currently several threads asking for almost the same features with different names. If all of these messages were merged in only one thread it would be the number one request by far! See some of these in the links below:
Multiple tabs and windows in Mac/Windows App →
Split-screen →
Workflowy Tabs on Desktop →
Two-column view →
Multiple-panes →
Side-by-side view →
I agree.
I find it increasingly difficult to re-organize stuff in my workflowy as the structure grows.Would be great to have two (or more) columns to view side by side. Maybe it could somehow be connected to the sidebar? For example when you pull the sidebar more to the right, after reaching a certain width it becomes a fully functional workflowy column?
Additionally a 'move to...' feature could come in handy. I guess it could work similarly to inline linking.
It's hard to know whether to rescue the cute kitten dangling from a tree or one's cell phone sitting on the garden table with a storm that's about to break...Rescue the cute kitten, Frank! No-brainer.Thanks for responding to this thread with official reason for hope!Before y'all get started... please urge WF's PMs to consider an implementation that allows users to save & quick launch certain views (eg, these five specific panes pulled up together in the configured order). This is something Obsidian doesn't offer, nor does Roam, and it's tedious and annoying, when setting about to work on a certain project, to pull up the same configuration of the same notes every time. This would be a great way to stand out from the crowd.Good luck!
Here's where Dynalist was considering this requested functionality, by the way, before their product development slowed down. It was one of their most upvoted feature requests:
very decent temporary workaround i've come to love is a Vivaldi browser + tile tabs feature. Works great on larger screens for some research or nice projects such as building a playlist with workflowy notes on a side tab - because why yes - in browser settings you can mix wf tabs with other internet tabs
reference image, deliberately out of focus, 4 wf tabs:
I have to say, I quite enjoy the side-by-side Rome has. I'd already be happy if Workflowy had that read-only on the right side and links then always open "left" (unless I hold shift). So you accumulate some open things on the right, close them, pin one (e.g. I always have my daily entry/node/block pinned)
Because overall from a collaboration perspective and overall snappyness I much prefer Workflowy (not to mention pricing)
Panes is the one feature I feel the hurt on regularly. There are many cases where converting a list to a board isn't the solution: eg if I'm dealing with 2 unrelated lists, but currently need them side-by-side. A Chrome extension or Vivaldi for tiled tabs is a decent workaround, but the ability to drag/drop nodes from one list to another is a common need.
considering this request is just one year old, it IS a popular request (most of the other requests have been here for a few years now, thus had more time to collect votes)
... and I personally believe the Workflowy team needs to consider this forum doesn't necessarily represent your customer base as a whole. In general, the average person here in this forum is likely to be more techy than the average user. So don't fall into the trap of making this forum "the truth" of what most of your customers really want.
I say this with love, but Workflowy is like the blackberry of note taking apps. Was one of the first and has a small yet ultra loyal fanbase, and the company priorities keeping that shrinking number of fans happy over creating the features that will bring the product to a new audience. My guess is that most of Workflowy’s users that remain in 2022 and 23 are due to loyalty and/or the pain of switching rather than because it’s the best app for their needs. After this much time, it doesn’t make sense to expect Workflowy to be anything more than it is.
I didn't realize I'm still subscribed to this thread. Due to the slowness of development by WF I left them quite a while ago. This lack of this feature, and the minimization by support of the need to speed up development on key holes in their app, motivated me to leave. Now I'm a very happy user of Notion. It took me three attempts to move to Notion away from WF and Evernote. Those first two attempts I was trying to force Notion to operate like WF and EN. That was wrong and didn't realize the benefit of Notion. I finally created a simple database to start entering notes in and began to have a much better understanding of how Notion approaches information. Now my utilization of heads-and-shoulders above what it ever was with WF and EN and that's saying a lot. I was a long-term hourly user of both services.
As it stands, outlining and focus with Notion are far better than they ever were with WorkFlowy (or Evernote for that matter).
Good luck all.
No sabía que todavía estoy suscrito a este hilo. Debido a la lentitud de desarrollo por parte de WF los dejé hace bastante tiempo. Esta falta de esta característica, y la minimización por soporte de la necesidad de acelerar el desarrollo en agujeros clave en su aplicación, me motivó a irme. Ahora soy un usuario muy feliz de Notion.
Con el respeto y aprecio que me merece todo usuario y ex usuario de Workflowy, es triste ver que se compare Workflowy con Notion. Son totalmente distintas.
En lo que dice relación al enfoque productivo, que es una base de la productividad, Workflowy es notable y muy superior a Notion, que tiene otras virtudes (sin duda alguna, como por ejemplo Wiki y Datos), pero está muy lejos de ser una aplicación pro enfoque productivo.
My guess is that most of Workflowy’s users that remain in 2022 and 23 are due to loyalty and/or the pain of switching rather than because it’s the best app for their needs. After this much time, it doesn’t make sense to expect Workflowy to be anything more than it is.
Just for the record, many users (myself included) are new this year, and appreciate WF's care not to succumb to feature-itis, but instead to develop parsimoniously to keep the UI/UX clean. I also acknowledge and respect the fact that their development has been slowed this year by the Ukraine war, affecting their development rate. While I'm certainly with you in wanting side-by-side panes, I manage fine with two WF windows side by side (Chrome or Edge appified to reduce screen clutter.) It will be great when these two windows will be able to be strongly integrated (e.g. a keystroke to move a node between panes, but they are synced. -
Obviously, this is about personal preferences and workflow. We gotta respect the fact that everyone has a unique approach, which is why WF's flexibility is so uesful. I'm sure there are workarounds for a lot of requests and features. After all, we're all here because we love this tool and use it religiously.
But, at the end of the day, we are in the "Feature requests" section!
Workflowy will always have a special place in my heart, as well as a special place in the annals of note taking app history for the way they pioneered the infinitely zoomable outline UX that is now ubiquitous. My desire is to be neither an apologist nor a hater. Tools come and go. I’m sure there is a group of people that is completely satisfied with Workflowy’s feature set, and yes, of course there will be new users as long as the app is still in development. Some will also “appreciate WF's care not to succumb to feature-itis, but instead to develop parsimoniously to keep the UI/UX clean.” Just as there were those who appreciated Backberry’s dedication to a physical smartphone keyboard into the 2010’s. I admire the Workflowy team’s dedication to the app, even as more feature complete competitors (like Dynalist) have been abandoned. I’m no longer frustrated by Workflowy because now there are a plethora of apps for all kinds of use cases.
very decent temporary workaround i've come to love is a Vivaldi browser + tile tabs feature. Works great on larger screens for some research or nice projects such as building a playlist with workflowy notes on a side tab - because why yes - in browser settings you can mix wf tabs with other internet tabs
I used to do this very thing, but stopped because vivaldi wasn't quite up to being a full-time chrome replacement the last time I used it, and having two battery+ram hogging browsers open all the time just wasn't feasible. Not to mention, of course, the lack of drag and drop. But I agree that this is a reasonable workaround.
Not to mention competitors directly, but for now I'm test-driving a note taking application that contains [[bi-directional backlinks]], native calendar integration, and saves files locally as md or txt.
> But, at the end of the day, we are in the "Feature requests" section!
Thank you for your gracious manner!
We've developed at a faster rate this year despite the war in the Ukraine. 100% of our developers are from the region, and even though many of our employees have had to move houses a minimum of 5 times – or relocate to a neighboring country, and one of whom is actively involved... we have had a marked upswing in feature development. We would have liked to do even more... but the going has been good, even as 2022 winds down.
May 2023 hold much in store for all you outliners out there!
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