Typing paragraphs without everything as a bullet



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    Frank (Workflowy Support)

    Hi Andrew, 

    I think you've pretty much laid out the options to currently have. We're not likely to provide paragraph breaks within bullets themselves as you've pointed out. That's what our notes do... but I understand those don't meet your needs.


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    I don't know the reasoning behind Andrew's suggested enhancement.  However I often want to send notes to a client in an email.  Being able to export the bullet points in plain text with line returns instead of hyphens (or bullet points) would help me. 

    I believe that Andrew was wanting to see the formatting on the standard WF screen but depending on his use-case an export might help.  It would be easy to implement. 

    WF is excellent for summarising ideas but I would benefit from being able to send to clients in natural English.

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    Frank (Workflowy Support)

    Hi Robert,

    Have you tried copying the "Formatted" export option and instead of using Ctrl+V... using Ctrl+Shift+V? This will get rid of indentations and bullets and give you a flat list.


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    Thank you, Frank.  That will do nicely.  You won't believe how much time you've save me.

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    Frank (Workflowy Support)



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    Here is my case for such functionality. I have tons of records in plain-text file. Each record is some (yet unstructured) idea which can consist of several paragraphs. I want to paste each idea as a separate list item under some topic and don't want it to be split by bullets. Another case: I wanted to export my list of saved quotes from different sources. They are already grouped by topics so I only want to place them as a list under given topic in WF. But some quotes are quite big and so instead having one bullet per quote, I have several ones, one per paragraph. I have to join those bullets manually later. Of course I understand it is not frequent use case for most of people and actually it is not so easy to implement it as by default WF treats new line as a new bullet point during pasting.

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