Ability to use scripts without requiring tampermonkey or similar
I have a few different user scripts I use to make workflowy behave a little more to my liking, and the ability to make your own scripts along with an 'official' api is one of the reasons I decided to go with workflowy rather than a different product. Having a clean interface but the ability to add that one thing that only you want is amazing.
What would be nice is if this ability could be built into workflowy without needing to have tampermonkey (or wfx for that matter) installed. At its simplest this could be a section in the workflowy preferences to paste a javascript snippet that would be injected into the application (and I'd envision that more advanced functionality such as multiple scripts, enabling/disabling, custom styles and so on could be handled by the community given that simple hook).
This would also allow scripts to be used in the desktop and mobile apps, which don't currently have any good customization options available (although if anyone does want a standalone app with injected scripts, I found Nativefier works well for this.
Hey Mark! This is a fantastic idea! I'd love a 'plugin' model for WorkFlowy and this seems like an *excellent* way to accomplish that. If the workflow team could support this we could easily have a way to search for features we really want, enable them, disable them, etc. If it all worked with WorkFlowy's official internal API then it would likely be fairly stable too. I'd even be 100% down for a paid market version so people like Rawbytz can still make their cut. :) Plus one for this!
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