boards! (turn on, test, upvote/comment this beta feature)




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    Miguel Serra

    I just love the boards view and the embedded optionality!

    I still mainly use the bullet view for 99.9% of WF, but I always wanted to have a view like that for presentations or for some other specific use cases.

    I think different visualizations schemes in WF (mind map, table view etc) is a great step forward in the right direction and I am really thankful that the current roadmap has incorporated that!

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    Daniel Wadsworth

    Love it, want to adjust column widths though, and have them fill the whole page.

    No one ever says take your time and get it right. No pressure, take your time, get it right.

    Awesome feature, great job WorkFlowy. 

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    Richard Mintz

    thank you - the beta version is VERY nice and I am going to begin using it for real! 

    It took me a minute to figure out the user interface (the mechanism for switching between bullet/board is in a different place depending on whether you are *in* the item or not). That adds a cognitive step (if I am outside the board, look left; if I am inside the board, look right).

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    Daniel Wadsworth

    Mind map would be awesome.

    Love D.

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    Frank (Workflowy Support)

    Thanks @rawybtz!

    Column width adjustment is going to be implemented starting with search mode :-). While one would ordinarily zoom into a particular list/ card within a board to expand things... this is an issue in search mode... because zooming in takes you away from your primary intent... seeing a list of results.


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    Frank (Workflowy Support)

    Noted! The campaign for mind mapping in different places is certainly mounting...


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    Richard Mintz

    I went straight to check out boards as soon as I saw the feature had been implemented in beta. I used to use hackish add-ons to create columns for this purpose, and this will be much better.

    (Testing on Ubuntu 18.04, on Firefox 72.0.2 and Chromium 80.0.3987.163.)

    I can’t figure out how to add new columns from within Board view without using the outline on the left (which I almost never use). But I can learn to work around that.

    ill absolutely use this!

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    fyi, if you want to see and give feedback on the latest evolution of boards, you need to view things on .  First thing you should know, is:::board is no longer required... there is a new icon next to the star.

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    George Taylor

    Would love a hotkey to switch between boards and bullets views

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    Dmitriy Shilin

    Hello everyone!

    I really like the feature because it allows me to quickly switch the workflow in the following way:

    • Use bullets when you want to put everything from your head to the white list of paper
    • Use board when you want to see the week overview

    It is very interesting experience and I am also waiting for the hotkeys.

    Also want to add one more thing: @Frank, if you will introduce "Note Mode" I will through all my other apps for short notes, todo list, etc. By "Note Mode" I understand the simple list of paper where you can right a note, aka diary or something else.

    Workflowy team, thanks again for your great product.

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    Frank (Workflowy Support)

    Hi Dmitriy,

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean by note mode. Have you tried to create a WorkFlowy note by hitting Shift+Enter and then typing?


    ~ Frank


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    Also want to show my appreciation for the recent development work on WF. Enjoying the board concept, there's a lot here that I can use.

    I did want to mention a couple of ideas that may be helpful for others as well, now that I'm playing with it some:

    (1) Board columns should persist when sorting by a tag. In the notes section of the parent node, I create a "menu" of tags to sort items in my board. So, imagine a Projects board with columns for Inbox, Started, Pending, Completed. I will have a list of tags at the top (since it's in the notes section of the parent Projects) and can easily click to sort out only the projects that fit the tag (work, personal, etc). However, at current, if I do not have a project under ever column that meets that tag, the column disappears completely. This keeps me from being able to drag to the column once a project moves stages. When in board view, the top level columns should somehow persist when you search for a tag, so the full functionality of the board is still available.

    (2) Sorting by date (or other factors). I'm sure others have mentioned this already. If I could sort those projects mentioned above by date to reorder them, or by urgency (perhaps tags?), that would really add to the organizational power of the board feature. I don't want to lose the ability to manually reorder them, so I'm not suggesting it changes in a way that removes the ability to do so. But the option to quickly reorder by date that just shuffles them around and then they're free to move again would be swell. 

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    Max Yakin Bozek

    Definitely. Boards view are an amazing feature which enables many new uses to the classical hierarchy structure.
    Thanks, WF team. You are on the way back to make WF the very best app of its kind again.   +1 

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    Frank (Workflowy Support)

    Hi Keelan,

    I believe we've already enabled your point #1 :-)

    As far as sorting by date... we are looking into this... as a date-related feature.


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    Stefano Rausch

    If I am not mistaken Keelan is talking about the filtering @Frank.

    I just tried it out with a three-column board, and only one holds an item tagged with #example. Filter the view, and the other two columns do indeed disappear ( standard behaviour of WF in list view ) -- hence you can't drag the tagged item to the "next" stage ;-)

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    Dmitriy Shilin

    Hi Frank,

    I was not aware of Shift + Enter but it seems you've already implemented it, thanks :)


    -- Dmitriy

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    Frank (Workflowy Support)

    Aaah, ok, fantastic! I thought you might have been suggesting something more complex... but it seems like you're easy to please :-)


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    Frank (Workflowy Support)

    Thanks @Stefano!

    Indeed I understood the request... but mistakenly assumed it had been implemented... got my wires crossed. What it was is that I saw this as a backlogged item for boards to implement in the team's internal shared list, already having been logged without my intervention :-). 



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    Yes @Stefano, that's correct. I meant filter not sort on that first suggestion.

    Glad to hear there's some movement on this, though. Thanks for the update @Frank!

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    Erik Deng

    Second George. A keyboard shortcut for switching between boards and bullets would be nice!

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