Navigating up and down for left handed people
As a leftie, I find it painful and non-ergonomic to have to use up and down arrows for navigating up and down the lists. If any of you are lefties, you would know that you have to stop your typing flow, slide your left hand almost to the outside of the keyboard and find your arrow buttons, then use them. This creates a zone/flow interruption in my experience and one of my biggest impediments in using Workflowy. I hope this is just not me. So assuming you empathize, are there any alternative keys I can use, e.g. ctrl-tab or anything else that allows me to use the main body of the keyboard?
I found something that helped me. It is not the most elegant solution, but it comes close. It uses AutoHotkey. If you don't know how to use it, don't worry. This link allows you to set up the script in less than a minute, run it, and you are in business:
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