Mac versions a mess, three-dot menu a mess



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    Frank (Workflowy Support)

    Hi Christopher,

    Thanks for taking the time to write up extensive feedback in your many posts recently here. Also feel free at any time to write to us directly and we can give you personalized assistance faster.

    Let me see if I can address a few of the well-found issues you have raised:

    * We currently do have a bug with the Desktop installer that requires the immediate update installation, as you described. We have a fix for that and should hopefully be deploying that in the next 2 weeks. Thanks for your patience there, we know that's a pain!

    * Expand-all has been a problematic feature over the years and our current documentation is out-of-date. We no longer support double-clicking to expand a bullet, but we haven't correctly updated our Help documents. :/ On our lists!

    * The horizontal three-dot menu that is next to the STAR is a feature for Alpha WorkFlowy members, with Expand-All as an option. That's why some of you are seeing it and some of you are not. (You can enable it here: It's important to note that this feature has a few bugs still associated with it, including one that creates a lot of white space while scrolling. Up to you if that functionality is worth the bug for now. We hope to fix this properly at some point in the future.

    * We are currently making some updates to the visual layout of WorkFlowy's header and menu items that should stabilize and fix these inconsistencies.

    Thanks for your patience and for your detailed and thoughtful bug report. 

    Again, if you'd like to dive deeper on any of these pieces, please write to us directly at


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