Wipe out all formatting/styles
CompletedHow do I go about wiping out all styles (through Stylish) applied to Workflowy and get it back to default looking. With the recent issue of having the shoved to the right and a few other issues, I do not like the set up now and find it distracting when I am trying to use it. I prefer it in the middle of the page with the top bar visible and some colored bullets only. I uninstalled all styles and Stylish but the look is still terrible now and if I cannot get it to look like it did when I first started using it I will have to find another tool to use, and yes I have slight OCD so if my tools don't look the way I like them I get irritated and find one that does.
Here are the steps to fix your CSS code.
1. Open your WorkFlowy in a browser.
2. Click on the Stylish icon. https://cl.ly/1G1y310K2O3T
3. Click on the PENCIL to edit the Stylesheet. https://cl.ly/3X3r1J081f21
4. Scroll down the page to the /* Full width */ section https://cl.ly/2E0R2Z0b1r3L
5. Paste in this line "max-width: 100% !important;" in this section https://cl.ly/1O1q2r363c1q
6. Save the changes. https://cl.ly/0G3u3g1V372y
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