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    I would love to have an integration in IFTTT or Zapier that would add my Google Calendar events as a list in Workflowy, please help!

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    Joel Janikowski

    Yes! If you added an IFTTT or Zapier, it would break the capabilities wide open and solve a good chunk of the requests on here.

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    Herb Caudill

    Any update on this? My use case is converting emails to WF items using something like Zapier - so the only thing I would need would be something that allows creating a new item. 



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    N Knoors

    The lack of an api is making my life difficult, please give it higher priority

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    Michael Moran

    Please please please add this feature. I would use Workflowy for everything if this were added



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    Kay Kraemer

    I also would like to see either an API or an IFTTT integration, or better both of them.

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    Alex Wolfe

    Adding my vote for a public, REST API. Some use cases:

    1. Creating custom integrations with other platforms (e.g., Airtable)
    2. Sending things to Workflowy (to a specified bullet, etc.) from other apps
    3. Sending things from Workflowy to other apps


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    I read this thread with a sinking heart. I know it can be chaos in SW development, but a five year thread that says it will go on the roadmap then later says there is no roadmap gives no faith that this feature will ever land, if it's even really intended to build it. Maybe stakeholders are worried about losing their moat if WF becomes more open.
    I'm a long time paid user and loved the simplicity of WF before dates, coloured tags, to-do and paragraphs and boards. THIS WHOLE TIME I have been missing the ability to extract data in an open way, and to implement my own forwarding mechanisms between bullets, in other words, a client- or server-side API for walking the tree, read, insert, delete bullets, and create mirrors.

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    Nicholas P Huntington

    Yet another pro user voting for this. An API or at least IFTTT integration would make it so much more useful!

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    Trey Hunner

    I've been a paying pro user since 2012. In the last few years I've come to find Zapier incredibly useful for automating important parts of my business and life workflows.

    I've found recently that I'm very slowly switching more workflows out of Workflowy and into Trello, GitHub, Calendar, and even GMail just so I can avoid small bits of repeated work duplication.

    I'd absolutely love it if Workflowy added Zapier support or at least a public-facing API. I'd love to keep as many of my important workflows as possible inside Workflowy.

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    Jeremy Pinnix


    Yet another Pro user who would like to integrate my Workflowy data with other services, both incoming and outgoing.

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    samuel s chun

    I'm a recent pro user that really loves this product but would also like to voice my support for an API. Great work guys!

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    Kevin T Vogelsang

    I can't use workflowy due to lack of API and webhooks. 

    Would happily pay for it if it had these items. 

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    Balthasar Sager

    Also a Pro user here, would also greatly appreciate this. Then you could f.e. build a Gitlab integration...

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    Tom Bensimhon

    yet another pro user, I think it could be an awesome feature for workflowy (documented API) 

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    Kurt Harriger

    Such endpoints do exist they just don't appear to be documented or officially supported.  In addition to the php library mentioned by support there also appears to be a javascript library:


    This library also has a command line interface for exporting the data which might be useful to you. 

    I was exploring integration with workflowy for personal project so started reverse engineering the data schema and dumped few sample responses into https://jvilk.com/MakeTypes/ to infer the schema and cleaning them up a bit.  This may not be complete, but I have a fair bit of workflowy data so seems to have captured most things even sharing which I didn't even realized existed until I was reverse engineering this, super excited about sharing!  



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    Even after all these years, still no official API?

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    Matt Rutherford

    free user, won't consider paying without an API.

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    This would be a great way to allow users to add functionality that is not high-priority for the Workflowy team or is too niche.

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    Dan Irwin

    Adding my name to the list of people would love an API.

    Email-to-workflowy ability would be huge. 

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    Alistair MacDonald

    You can add one more pro user to the +1 list for API service.

    I would like:

    1. API integration via REST or GraphQL.
    2. Node.js SDK package.

    How I can help:

    • I would be happy paying more to unlock the feature.  (It could be a separate service you could charge extra for.)
    • I would help create and support the Node.js SDK for you.


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    Alistair MacDonald

    Absolutely agree. If Workflowy had a solid API, there would be about 4-5 different services I pay for, that I would no longer need.

    I could basically run 90% of my digital life through Workflowy if they had:

    1. A solid API.
    2. Passwords for shared resources.
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    Kurt Harriger

    [ChatGPT generated] Out of Office Reply: The Mysterious Odyssey of the Workflowy Team


    Thank you for contacting the Workflowy team. We regret to inform you that we are currently unable to respond to your queries due to a series of extraordinary and unexpected events that have unfolded in rapid succession.

    It all started when we were unexpectedly recruited by a notorious but surprisingly organized drug kingpin. He admired our expertise in structuring data and enlisted our help to organize his empire. Just as we were planning our escape, something incredible happened – we discovered our latent lizard people heritage, which required us to adapt to a new lifestyle, mainly consisting of sunbathing on warm rocks to maintain our energy levels. This, as you can imagine, severely limited our productive hours.

    However, our lizard basking was rudely interrupted when a band of surprisingly articulate and angry orphans, who had apparently been following the kingpin, mistakenly identified us as part of his empire. In a bizarre turn of events, they relieved us of our electronic devices, thinking they were treasure maps.

    We’re currently navigating this complex situation, trying to balance our newfound lizard identities, negotiate with the orphans, and somehow escape the clutches of the drug lord. This has, understandably, delayed our work on the API – and everything else, for that matter.

    As your patience wears thinner than our chance of a speedy resolution, we ask for your continued understanding. Rest assured, this experience will greatly enrich the depth of our organizational tools, assuming we make it back to civilization with our newfound knowledge and devices.

    In the meantime, we recommend seeking alternative organizational tools or perhaps joining a sunbathing club – it’s quite rejuvenating.


    Not The Workflowy Team

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    Zachary Valenti

    Chiming in with my shared desire here! Building a RPi project I would love to integrate with my Workflowy!!

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    +1 Add Zappier integration

    I love the interface of Workflowy i would like to use it as my list, task, notes program, but without Zapier integration is impossible for me.

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    Boaz Chen

    Zapier is a must!

    The API is good for programs, but not for using the workflowy as part of my workflow...

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    Bartosz Grabowski

    Yes, i agree that API development for workflowy would be heavilly time comsuming and non trivial.

    But still - having workflowy opened for automation would be an explosion of possibilities, and i cannot stop dreaming about having it ;)

    Maybe some kind of crowdfunding this functionality would be a solution? Let users vote with their wallets! :)

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    Alistair MacDonald

    We need a Workflowy Pro.

    Attempting to set up Crowd Funding for this would demonstrate financial viability (or not).

    You could also just build a Workflowy Cloud API and sell access. When you get a knock on the door from Workfly's legal, you'll know they are working on their own API.

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    Alistair MacDonald

    Cool to hear you guys are positive on the idea of the API. Hope to see it happen one day. 👍 Thanks Frank

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    Douglas Muth

    We’re currently navigating this complex situation, trying to balance our newfound lizard identities, negotiate with the orphans, and somehow escape the clutches of the drug lord. This has, understandably, delayed our work on the API – and everything else, for that matter.

    Oh my GOD.

    Someone close down the topic.  Nothing will ever top this response.


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