Hide Completed for some parent bullets, but not others



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    Matthew Lindemann

    I would like express my support for this feature request. I like to hide items as I complete them but it would be nice if I could turn it off as for selected nodes. I assume if someone preferred to globally not hide completed items, they would want to turn it on for selected nodes.

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    Murray Champernowne

    Also adding support.

    Personally, I'd agree that this feels like a good differentiator between regular Bullets and To-Do Lists. I often want To-Do Lists to show me what I've completed, but rarely want regular Bullets. Ideally, the user would be able to override this functionality on a per-entry basis, but the default for To-Do Lists could be "always show completed" and Bullets as "always hide completed" as a way to separate them a little. As a bonus, the To-Do List completed icon just looks quite nice; seems a shame that you've designed a UI that works this way and then most people will never see it!

    Even without that functionality change (could be a toggle setting as well, to preserve existing workflows and expectations) the ability to set this on a per-entry basis would be great. Some examples:

    • Travel Checklists. I have a template for any time I fly that lets me see what needs to happen (insurance, seat booking, online check-in, luggage requirements etc.) but I often want to see what I've done, just for my own peace of mind.
    • Packing Checklists. Similarly, it's useful to see what you have packed, not just during packing but also for when you're returning, to make sure you still have everything.
    • Safety Checklists. Again, useful to double-check as you go through to ensure that key safety requirements have been met.
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    Jenny Conway

    I'd like to lobby for this as well! With packing lists, you want to retain the items for reuse but with a bullet list of To Do items, you don't need to view after they're completed. It would be so very helpful to have a setting for each list to customize this feature! Also, as an aside, if anyone knows of a global reset to toggle all back on at once (like a packing list) after I complete them, I'd love to hear it! Many thanks!

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    WFx Power Pack has a resetChecklist command that clears all checked items in the current list.

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    Jenny Conway

    Thank you!! Will check that out.

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