Paragraphs and headings




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    Julien Gueniat

    Hey Workflowy Team! Good job with this feature 😃 

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    Love it. - Very useful.

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    Thomas Davis

    It appears to be the case that this doesn't work in the mobile app. Am I right about that? If so, that's unfortunate, because that's where I do almost all of my work.

    Later edit: actually, it doesn't seem to work in the Mac OS app either. So I guess I should be using the web app instead. Did I miss something somewhere along the line?

    I'm also not able to get the slash command to call up any menus in either iOS or MacOS in either Safari or Chrome. When I type "/" I get "/" and nothing more. I have labs and slash enabled. In the web app, however, I'm able to get to the ¶ menu by highlighting the text. At least, that works in the browser in MacOS; that doesn't work in the browser in iOS either.

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    Thomas Davis

    OK, I’m an idiot. The slash command works fine all over the place. I didn’t realize I had to precede the slash with a space. Problem solved.

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    Thomas Davis

    There is one advantage in mobile to putting long text in notes rather than as a series of outline items and then formatting the outline as paragraphs. In mobile, especially on the phone in portrait mode, the margin on the right is extremely wide to reserve space for the expand/collapse arrows. This makes it difficult to fit more than a few words on a line. That problem doesn’t occur when typing in a note, where the text is allowed to expand further to the right. (And the font in notes is smaller as well. PS. Please allow CSS support in mobile. If that’s been implemented, that’s also something I’ve missed.)

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    Yes, the laughably convoluted slash command method can be used on mobile once you figure out all the nuances of getting the menu to actually appear then cleaning up the crap it leaves behind in your text, none of is explained in the article. But the the "H1, H2, or ¶ (paragraph) options" are missing entirely from the context menu. It would be stellar if you gave us basic feature parity across all your platforms, but as that's evidently too great an ask then for the love of Christ at least give us accurate documentation.

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    Thomas Davis

    A followup to my earlier comment about the narrow display for outline items when working on a phone. I don’t know if something changed about this in the last few months, but I noticed over the weekend that this doesn’t seem to be an issue now. Items take up most the available horizontal space, so adding notes in that form doesn’t feel cramped now.

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