To create an external link
External links work just like regular links on any website, clicking them takes you to the linked destination.
- Copy the link you want to paste in Workflowy
- Paste the link
- The link will be clickable
To create an external link from text
- Highlight the text you want to turn into a link
- You'll see the text format widget pop up
- Click on the link icon in the widget
- Type or paste the URL in the 'Link' field
- Click the Apply button
TIP - You can select text using your keyboard and then hit Win: CTRL + K or Mac: CMD + K on your keyboard to bring up the link widget.
To remove an external text link
- Mouse over the text that is linked that you want to remove
- A small down arrow will appear at the end of the link
- Click on the down arrow
- Click on the Unlink text in the link widget
Is the unlink feature still available? I'm not seeing it in the Workflowy app for Mac or the web interface in Chrome.
Is it possible to embed links in text in the app (specifically the Android app)? I'm not seeing a link button next to the other text formatting options.
Can you link in the iOS app?
How can you edit a link on the Android app?
"Unlink" is not an option in the box -- as it is in your demo.
Where do we find "unlink"?
The program is automatically creating links where I don't want them.
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