To expand all bullets
You can expand all collapsed bullets within your current view to view the nested content.
- Zoom into the section that contains what you want to expand
- Open the options menu in the menu bar
- Click on 'Expand all' in the menu
To collapse all bullets
- Zoom into the section that contains what you want to collapse
- Open the options menu in the menu bar
- Click on 'Collapse all' in the menu
If you double-click quickly on the triangle to the left of a bullet that has nested items, you can collapse or expand all items without using the menu.
I just found out you can get it done by hitting CTRL and double Space. That's on Windows, not sure what's the equivalent on Mac.
Nothing is working to achieve that on Mac! This is such a needed shortcut!
It is honestly the one shortcut that would be used constantly. I believe it needs an easy universal hotkey combination that would work on the Windows app, on the Mac, and on the Web version as well!
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