Pro memberships and features




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    Alexander Malandin


    Have you thought of reviewing your pricing policy?

    In my view it could bring you more revenue. I suppose that there are people like myself that don't need all the Pro features yet but are in love with your service and would be glad spare a dime. I am using another productivity system along with Workflowy that is roughly twice less expensive in terms of yearly subscription. I simply cannot justify the price even though I'd really love to support the project (again, this is solely because Workflowy isn't my primary productivity system and I understand that this may not be the case for others).

    Do you think it is too remote from how things are in reality?



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    Seán Bardong

    Is there any thought or planning direct at implementing the Dropbox backup capability on Google Drive?

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    Mark Permann

    I agree with Sean - I would prefer to see backup on Google Drive. 

    Dropbox backup is not very useful without a business account, because text search only works if you have a business account, as per 

    The cheapest business account is $12.50 a month: 
    Please consider offering Google Drive backup as an alternative, if not replacement, to Dropbox - full text search is standard on Drive regardless of storage plan or account type.
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    I really agree. It's just too expensive for me. It really depends on your financial situation however. If I was making 40k per year, it wouldn't be much of an issue, and I'd happily pay the the money.

    I have to admit that I am looking now at alternatives.

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    CalDav support and reminders are badly needed features even in the free version. If you dropped the price I'd gladly pay. Like Alexander said, I think many users would pay if it wasn't so expensive. Backing up to dropbox and changing the theme is currently not worth the cost.

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    Is this available for iOS?

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    Lasse Pedersen

    Can the dropbox backups be "segmented" or is there any way that this "data stream" can be used to filter out a limited view of my WorkFlowy data?

    That would be a reason to upgrade to paid subscription for sure.

    I am looking for a way to extract certain things over time in relation to certain tags. (Such as, tagging action items or ideas in my journals and worknotes and easily transfer them to e.g. my task manager).

    One way I have been examining so far, without luck, is any way to export/convert a WorkFlowy page (preferably an URL with a tag search as part of it) to any kind of feed.

    For example, a sort of RSS feed where I could "catch" items added over time. (File export daily is too cumbersome if not automated).

    Getting it into e.g. an RSS feed would be a BRILLIANT way to get a channel to hook up Workflowy to the big web service eco system through IFTTT and Zapier.

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    Alex Kamysz

    Where do I buy pro?? Can't find it anywhere online. What am I missing? Lol

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